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 How To Order
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Page How To Order

How To Order

Page How To Order
Cara melakukan pembelian :
  • Pertama pilih item yang ada inginkan atau beli.
  • Pastikan item dan jumlah item sesuai dengan keinginan anda sebelum menekan tombol "add to cart".
  • Tentukan Item & Jumlah belanjaan Anda.
  • Apabila ingin pesan menu lain klik "LANJUT BELANJA"
    Jika sudah sesuai, klik "BAYAR".
  • Isi form sesuai dengan data anda selengkap-lengkapnya dan sebenarnya. Lalu klik "SUBMIT"
  • Pastikan kembali Alamat, No Telpon & Menu yang dipesan. Apabila anda memiliki Kode Voucher WAJIB dimasukkan di "INPUT VOUCHER" (Perhatikan juga huruf besar/kecil). Lalu Klik "APPLY", lalu Klik "CHECKOUT"
  • Anda akan menerima invoice pemesanan di email anda, cek email di inbox atau di spam anda untuk memastikan invoice dari kami masuk ke dalam email anda. lakukan pembayaran dan konfirmasi pembayaran untuk memproses pesanan anda lebih cepat.

Apabila sudah melakukan Transfer, WAJIB Konfirmasi ke tim CS kami via WA di 082197341320

How to make a purchase:
  • First select the item you want to buy.
  • Make sure the items and number of items are valid before pressing the "add to cart" button.
  • Specify the Item & The amount of your groceries. If you want another menu message click "CONTINUE SHOPPING" If it's appropriate, click "PAY".
  • Fill out the form according to your data in full and actually. Then click "SUBMIT"
  • Make sure to check the Address, Phone No & Menu ordered one more time. If you have a Voucher Code MANDATORY entered in "INPUT VOUCHER" (Note also upper/lowercase). Then Click "APPLY", then Click "CHECKOUT"
  • You will receive an invoice in your email, check the email in your inbox or in your spam to make sure the invoice from us is entered into your email.
  • make payment and confirm payment to process your order faster.

If you have made a Transfer, IT IS MANDATORY TO Confirm to our CS team via WA at 082197341320
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